The Transparency Act


Transparency Act

The Transparency Act relates to enterprises transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. The background for the Act is to ensure that Norwegian companies take overall responsibility for their value chain, and continuously carry out human rights due diligence. TMC conduct due diligence in accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Act § 4.

Fundamental human rights

Our internal regulations stipulate that we undertake to comply with fundamental human rights in accordance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child article 32, as well as ILO conventions number 29, 87, 100, 105, 111, 138 and 182. We have drawn up ethical guidelines for trade and human rights, ref. to our Code of Conduct.

The Transparency Act at Lovdata

Statement of due diligence from TMC

In accordance with the Transparency Act, we work continuously to map out and assess any negative impacts/damage in our own operations, supply chains and business contacts. Measures shall be implemented to prevent, reduce, or stop negative impact/damage. TMC have implemented due diligence, and the statement of this work you will find below. 

Statement of due diligence for the year 2023 05th of July 2024

Redegjørelse for aktsomhetsvurdering for rapporteringsåret 2023-24


This statement covers the requirements of the Transparency Act. For a further dialog of our due diligence, please contact us on

Notification- and complaint portal – whistleblower gate

TMC wishes to be a responsible and trustworthy business partner and member
of the society. If you know about possible misconduct or critical conditions in our organization, you can inform us through our whistleblower gate for external actors:

TMC whistleblower gate for external actors


Read our Code of Conduct



TMC is certified according to the quality standard ISO 9001, the environmental standard ISO 14001 and HSE standard ISO 45001.


We place high demands on ourselves and work continuously to improve our internal processes, our work within health, environment and safety and our adverse effect on the external environment. 

Occupational safety and health

We require that our key suppliers are equally dedicated in these issues.

Contact us today

We are always available and ready to help you out. 


Contact us